Bloc Party for Year End: Configuration & Auditing

Download and watch the replay of the second day of TopBloc's Bloc Party for Year End series on-demand!

Day 2: Payroll Year End Configuration & Auditing

TopBloc’s October 2022 Bloc Party was centered around Payroll Year End. Led by the Help Desk AMS team, the event provided attendees with tips for methodically managing the process within their Workday system. During this session, we shared:

  • Best practices for configuring W-2s, including a demonstration of the process
  • How to audit a W-2 and use Workday reports to check for common mistakes
  • Demonstrations of how to correct common W-2 errors

If you have any questions or are interested in receiving additional support related to your organization’s Payroll Year End, please contact TopBloc or email us.